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Galerie > Ancient World > Thracia > Anchialos
Anchialos in Thracia, 193-211 AD., Septimius Severus, Æ 28, AMNG 468.
Anchialos in Thracia, Septimius Severus, 193-211 AD., 
Æ 28 (26-28 mm / 12,13 g), yellow bronze, axes about medal alignment ↑↑ (ca. 0°), 
Obv.: AV K Λ CЄΠ - CЄVHPOC , his laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust facing right, seen from behind. 
Rev.: [OΥ]Λ-ΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN , Hermes, nude, seated left on rock, wearing petasos and holding kerykeion (caduceus).
BMC 3. 84, 8 ; Sear GIC 2126 ; Strack (AMNG II 468) ; Moushmov 2839 ; SNG Cop 432 ; Varbanov 737 . 

Schlüsselwörter: Anchialos Thracia Thrace Septimius Severus Hermes Kerykeion Caduceus Rock Petasos

Anchialos in Thracia, 193-211 AD., Septimius Severus, Æ 28, AMNG 468.

Anchialos in Thracia, Septimius Severus, 193-211 AD.,
Æ 28 (26-28 mm / 12,13 g), yellow bronze, axes about medal alignment ↑↑ (ca. 0°),
Obv.: AV K Λ CЄΠ - CЄVHPOC , his laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust facing right, seen from behind.
Rev.: [OΥ]Λ-ΠIANΩN AΓXIAΛEΩN , Hermes, nude, seated left on rock, wearing petasos and holding kerykeion (caduceus).
BMC 3. 84, 8 ; Sear GIC 2126 ; Strack (AMNG II 468) ; Moushmov 2839 ; SNG Cop 432 ; Varbanov 737 .

Diese Datei bewerten (noch keine Bewertung)
Name des Albums:Arminius / Anchialos
Schlüsselwörter:Anchialos / Thracia / Thrace / Septimius / Severus / Hermes / Kerykeion / Caduceus / Rock / Petasos
Dateigröße:140 KB
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Abmessungen:1024 x 512 Pixel
Angezeigt:16 mal
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