Arminius Numismatics

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Galerie > Ancient World > Thracia > Anchialos
Anchialos in Thracia, 241-244 AD., Gordian III and Tranquillina, Æ 25, AMNG 672 var.
Anchialos in Thracia, Gordian III and Tranquillina, 241-244 AD., 
Æ 25 (24-25 mm / 11,26 g), yellow bronze, axes about medal alignment ↑↑ (ca. 20°), 
Obv.: AΥT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC {AΥ}Γ CЄB // TΡANKΥΛ / ΛEIN[A], confronted busts of Gordian III and Tranquillina, letters in rounded brackets ligate. 
Rev.: OVΛΠIANΩN - A-ΓXIAΛEΩN , Nemesis standing left with patera in her right and measuring rod in laft arm, erased symbol (scales?) below her r. hand with the patera (-  or Hera standing with patera and short sceptre ? - or Homonoia / Concordia ? ).
AMNG II, 672 var. ; Moushmov 2962 (?) . 

H.-J. Hoeft ("Jochen") 13/05/2012: 
"AMNG II, 672 var.:
        below in 2 lines TRANKVL / LINA (NK ligate)
rev. OVLPIANWN - AGXIALEWN (both WN ligate)
Same depiction. Strack calls the figure Nemesis. AMNG II, 671 has a similar depiction. Here the goddess is wearing a kalathos and at her feet is the wheel. Surely Nemesis. Both have a patera in r. hand and a short rod in l. arm. So it seems that AMNG II, 672 is a variant of Nemesis."
Schlüsselwörter: Anchialos Thracia Gordian_III Tranquillina Hera Nemesis Homonoia Patera Rod Sceptre

Anchialos in Thracia, 241-244 AD., Gordian III and Tranquillina, Æ 25, AMNG 672 var.

Anchialos in Thracia, Gordian III and Tranquillina, 241-244 AD.,
Æ 25 (24-25 mm / 11,26 g), yellow bronze, axes about medal alignment ↑↑ (ca. 20°),
Obv.: AΥT K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC {AΥ}Γ CЄB // TΡANKΥΛ / ΛEIN[A], confronted busts of Gordian III and Tranquillina, letters in rounded brackets ligate.
Rev.: OVΛΠIANΩN - A-ΓXIAΛEΩN , Nemesis standing left with patera in her right and measuring rod in laft arm, erased symbol (scales?) below her r. hand with the patera (- or Hera standing with patera and short sceptre ? - or Homonoia / Concordia ? ).
AMNG II, 672 var. ; Moushmov 2962 (?) .

H.-J. Hoeft ("Jochen") 13/05/2012:
"AMNG II, 672 var.:
below in 2 lines TRANKVL / LINA (NK ligate)
rev. OVLPIANWN - AGXIALEWN (both WN ligate)

Same depiction. Strack calls the figure Nemesis. AMNG II, 671 has a similar depiction. Here the goddess is wearing a kalathos and at her feet is the wheel. Surely Nemesis. Both have a patera in r. hand and a short rod in l. arm. So it seems that AMNG II, 672 is a variant of Nemesis."

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Name des Albums:Arminius / Anchialos
Schlüsselwörter:Anchialos / Thracia / Gordian_III / Tranquillina / Hera / Nemesis / Homonoia / Patera / Rod / Sceptre
Dateigröße:121 KB
Hinzugefügt am:%13. %922 %2012
Abmessungen:1024 x 512 Pixel
Angezeigt:24 mal
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