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Galerie > Ancient World > Thracia > Serdica
Serdica in Thracia, 253-268 AD., Gallienus, Æ 28, cf. Ruzicka 480.
Serdica in Thracia, Gallienus, 253-268 AD.,
Æ 28 / 8 Assaria(?) (27-29 mm / 14,34 g), bronze, axes about medal alignment ↑↑ (ca. 20°), 
Obv.: AYT K ΓAΛ - ΛHNOC , radiate bust of Gallienus, draped and cuirassed, facing left, seen from back; carrying spear with right hand and round shield on l. shoulder, gorgoneion on shield(?).
Rev.: OYΛΠIAC - CEPΔIKHC , Herakles, naked, standing right, upper body leaning backwards, right hand at hip, holding club, lion's skin and an apple.
Leon Ruzicka, The Coinage of Serdica, cf. 480 (different obverse (bust r.), otherwise one piece listed: Sofia 3582) ; Ruzicka, Num.Z. 48 (1915) p. 74, cf. no. 480 (same) .
Schlüsselwörter: Serdica Thracia Gallienus Spear Shield Herakles Club Lion Skin Apple

Serdica in Thracia, 253-268 AD., Gallienus, Æ 28, cf. Ruzicka 480.

Serdica in Thracia, Gallienus, 253-268 AD.,
Æ 28 / 8 Assaria(?) (27-29 mm / 14,34 g), bronze, axes about medal alignment ↑↑ (ca. 20°),
Obv.: AYT K ΓAΛ - ΛHNOC , radiate bust of Gallienus, draped and cuirassed, facing left, seen from back; carrying spear with right hand and round shield on l. shoulder, gorgoneion on shield(?).
Rev.: OYΛΠIAC - CEPΔIKHC , Herakles, naked, standing right, upper body leaning backwards, right hand at hip, holding club, lion's skin and an apple.
Leon Ruzicka, The Coinage of Serdica, cf. 480 (different obverse (bust r.), otherwise one piece listed: Sofia 3582) ; Ruzicka, Num.Z. 48 (1915) p. 74, cf. no. 480 (same) .

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Name des Albums:Arminius / Serdica
Schlüsselwörter:Serdica / Thracia / Gallienus / Spear / Shield / Herakles / Club / Lion / Skin / Apple
Dateigröße:183 KB
Hinzugefügt am:%12. %709 %2013
Abmessungen:1024 x 512 Pixel
Angezeigt:22 mal
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