Arminius Numismatics

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Galerie > Ancient World > The Roman Empire > Siscia (modern Sisak, Croatia)
378-383 AD., Valentinian II, Siscia mint, Æ2, RIC 26 b 2.
Valentinian II, Siscia mint, officina 1, 378-383 AD.,
Æ2 (21,5-24 mm / 4,72 g), bronze, axis about medal alignment ↑↑ (ca. 20°), varnished, 
Obv.: D N VALENTINIANVS IVN P [F AV]G , his diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust right  -  son buste diadémé, drapé et cuirassé à droite.
Rev.: [R]EPARATIO – REIPVB / A SISC , emperor standing front, head left, offering his right hand to turreted kneeling woman on left and holding Victory on a globe in left hand  -  l’empereur relevant une femme agenouillée et tenant un globe surmonté d’une victoire qui le couronne, A SISC à l’exergue.
RIC IX, p. 150, no. 26 b 2 ; Coh. 22 ; 74 pieces of RIC 26 on , 21 marked A SISC on rev. . 

Schlüsselwörter: Valentinian junior Siscia Æ2 emperor hand turreted kneeling woman Victory globe

378-383 AD., Valentinian II, Siscia mint, Æ2, RIC 26 b 2.

Valentinian II, Siscia mint, officina 1, 378-383 AD.,
Æ2 (21,5-24 mm / 4,72 g), bronze, axis about medal alignment ↑↑ (ca. 20°), varnished,
Obv.: D N VALENTINIANVS IVN P [F AV]G , his diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust right - son buste diadémé, drapé et cuirassé à droite.
Rev.: [R]EPARATIO – REIPVB / A SISC , emperor standing front, head left, offering his right hand to turreted kneeling woman on left and holding Victory on a globe in left hand - l’empereur relevant une femme agenouillée et tenant un globe surmonté d’une victoire qui le couronne, A SISC à l’exergue.
RIC IX, p. 150, no. 26 b 2 ; Coh. 22 ; 74 pieces of RIC 26 on , 21 marked A SISC on rev. .

Diese Datei bewerten (noch keine Bewertung)
Name des Albums:Arminius / Siscia (modern Sisak, Croatia)
Schlüsselwörter:Valentinian / junior / Siscia / Æ2 / emperor / hand / turreted / kneeling / woman / Victory / globe
Dateigröße:920 KB
Hinzugefügt am:%14. %587 %2019
Abmessungen:1920 x 960 Pixel
Angezeigt:3 mal
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