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Galerie > Ancient World > The Byzantine Empire
Romania, 1900 AD., Carol I, Brussels mint (Belgium), 10 Bani, KM 29. 2015 AD., Germany, Federal Republic, Stuttgart mint, 2 Euro Cent, KM 208.  1919 AD., Germany, Weimar Republic, Helgoland (Spar- und Leihkasse), Notgeld, currency issue, 50 Pfennig, Tieste 2915.10.05. 11325 Obverse China, 1736-1794 AD., Qing Dynasty, emperor Gao Zong, Yunnan-fu mint, Yunnan province, 1 Cash, Hartill 22.337.  392-395 AD., Arcadius, Nicomedia mint, Æ-2, RIC 46b.  80-81 AD., Domitian Caesar, Rome mint, As, Coh. 459. 1887 AD., Germany, medal on the 90th birthday of Wilhelm I, tin. 1921 AD., Germany, Weimar Republic, Neustettin (town), Notgeld, collector series issue, 75 Pfennig, Grabowski/Mehl 968.1-5/6. Obverse  1920 AD., Germany, Weimar Republic, Salzburghofen (municipality), Notgeld, currency issue, 1 Pfennig, Grabowski S6.1a. Obverse  41 AD., Claudius, Rome(?) mint, Quadrans, RIC 84.  1989 AD., Netherlands, Beatrix, Medallic Coinage, Constantijn and Christiaan Huygens commemorative, Monumunt B.V. mint, 10 Ecu, KM X 17. Dioshieron in Lydia, 198-209 AD., Geta Caesar, Æ 17, BMC 21. China, 1902-1905 AD., Ch'ing Dynasty, emperor Te Tsung, Hupeh province, 10 Cash, Y 122. Anazarbos in Cilicia, 253-254 AD., Valerian I., Triassarion, SNG Levante 1527. Virtus 

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Zufallsbilder - The Byzantine Empire
1143-1180 AD., Manuel I Comnenus, Electron Aspron Trachy, Constantinopolis mint, Sear 195943 x angesehen
589-590 AD., Maurice Tiberius, Constantinopolis mint, Half Follis, Sear BC 497.29 x angesehen