In 1777, Maria became the first undisputed queen regnant of Portugal. With Maria's accession, her husband became king as Peter III. Despite Peter's status as king and the nominal joint reign, the actual regal authority was vested solely in Maria, as she was the lineal heir of the crown. Also, as Peter's kingship was iure uxoris only.
1 Dateien, letzte Aktualisierung am %18. %726 %2014 Album 24 mal aufgerufen
With Maria's accession, her husband became king as Peter III. Despite Peter's status as king and the nominal joint reign, the actual regal authority was vested solely in Maria, as she was the lineal heir of the crown. Also, as Peter's kingship was iure uxoris only.
The 5 October 1910 Portuguese republican revolution abolished the monarchy and installed a republican government in Portugal til the establishment of the right-wing dictatorship of the Estado Novo under António de Oliveira Salazar in 1933.
31 Dateien, letzte Aktualisierung am %02. %497 %2017 Album 31 mal aufgerufen
Macau was formerly a colony of the Portuguese Empire, after Ming China leased the territory as a trading post in 1557. Portugal's last overseas and Asian colonial territory, Macau, was peacefully handed over to the People's Republic of China on December 20, 1999.
12 Dateien, letzte Aktualisierung am %07. %894 %2016 Album 28 mal aufgerufen
According to legend, the site that is now Malacca City was named Malaka when Parameswara, a Sumatran prince arrived there. Due to its riches, the news of the success of Malacca reached the Portuguese, who had an established presence on Indian ports. In April 1511 Afonso de Albuquerque, who was the Portuguese expedition leader together with his armada, arrived in Malacca to sever its Islamic and Venetian trade. On 15 August 1511 Malacca was captured. When the city came under Portuguese administration, its name was spelled "Malaca".
The Dutch with their local allies assaulted and wrested Malacca from the Portuguese in January 1641. This combined Dutch-Johor effort effectively destroyed the last bastion of Portuguese power, removing their influence in the Malay archipelago.
3 Dateien, letzte Aktualisierung am %20. %009 %2019 Album 22 mal aufgerufen
The Portuguese established outposts in Timor and Maluku. Effective European occupation of a small part of the territory began in 1769, when the city of Dili was founded and the colony of Portuguese Timor declared. East Timor was colonised by Portugal in the 16th century, and was known as Portuguese Timor until 28 November 1975, when the Revolutionary Front for an Independent East Timor (Fretilin) declared the territory's independence.
7 Dateien, letzte Aktualisierung am %14. %535 %2014 Album 24 mal aufgerufen
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Zufallsbilder - Portugal and the Portuguese Empire
1915 AD., Portugal, Republic, 1 Escudo, KM 564. 13 x angesehen
1958 AD., Timor, Portuguese colony, Lisbon mint, 60 Centavos, KM 12.7 x angesehen