Sites specialized on modern World Coins 

Aboutfarthings - Farthings of the British Empire45 x angesehen

allnumis Coins Catalogue45 x angesehen

Catawiki Coin catalogue41 x angesehen

CoinFacts Numismatic Wiki, the on-line encyclopedia of U.S. and World coins45 x angesehen
| - Copper Coins of the Low Countries37 x angesehen

Fortress Catalogue of Polish Coins44 x angesehen

Global Coins Catalogue46 x angesehen

Moedas do Brasil37 x angesehen

old German coins46 x angesehen

Romanian coins37 x angesehen

Shequel - The Online Catalog of Israel Numismatics - 1927 til present36 x angesehen

Tony Clayton's Home Page - Values and History of Coins of the UK38 x angesehen

Treasurerealm - coins of the world with emphasis on Britain, Portugal, the United States32 x angesehen

uCoin coin catalogue of modern coins47 x angesehen
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