Palembang Sultanate
From http://www.fsrcoin.com/palembang.html : Palembang is one of the oldest cities in Indonesia, located on the island of Sumatra, by the Musi River. An independent sultanate, it underwent encroachment by the Dutch East India Company, cornering the lucrative spice trade. In 1821, the Dutch consummated their control of Palembang -- ending the local sultanate coinage.
The coins, starting in the 1400s, denominated “pitis,†were cast, in tin alloyed with lead (except for one bronze issue), uniface, and generally inscribed in Arabic script. (Palembang’s language is a version of Malay.) None has a ruler’s name.
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Zufallsbilder - Asia |
Malay Sultanate Aceh, 1735-1760 AD., Sultan Ala'ad-Din Djohan Shah, gold Kupang, Leyten A27. 89 x angesehen
1969 AD., Turkey, Republic, 5 Kurus, KM 890.2.33 x angesehen