Arminius Numismatics

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Galerie > Medieval to Contemporary > Asia > Armenia
1923 AD., Germany, Weimar Republic, Breslau, Stadt (town), Notgeld, currency issue, 1.000.000 Mark, Keller VII 602b. 046893 Reverse  Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy, modern fake dated 1812 AD., produced ca 2000 AD., 5 Lire, cf. KM 10.4. 1921 AD., Germany, Weimar Republic, Blankenese (municipality), Notgeld, collector series issue, 10 Pfennig, Grabowski/Mehl 115.1a-1/2. 02079 Obverse  1828 AD., German States, Bavaria, Ludwig I, Munich mint, 6 Kreuzer, AKS 80. 1830-1832 AD., France, medal on the Duke of Berry and Caroline de Bourbon-Siciles. 1916-1918 AD., Germany, 2nd Empire, Breslau, Kriegsgefangenenlager Eisenwerk Gustav Trelenberg (POW camp WWI), 0,02 Mark, Tieste 20.31. Obverse  1912 AD., Spain, Alfonso XIII, Madrid mint, 2 Centimos, KM 732.  40-41 AD., Gaius (Caligula), Rome mint, Æ As, RIC 54. European Union, European Central Bank, Pick 25s. 200 Euro, 2019 AD., Printer: Banca d'Italia, Rome, Italy, S004G5-SA7007201429 Reverse  Corduba in Hispania,  27 BC.-14 AD., Augustus, Quadrans, RPC 131. Anchialos in Thracia, 193-211 AD., Septimius Severus, Æ 28, AMNG 468. Seljuqs of Rum, 1211-20 AD., Kaykhavus I, no mint, Fals.  1812 AD., Russian Empire, Alexander I, St. Petersburg mint, 2 Kopeks, KM C 118.6. 1059-1067 AD., Constantine X., Constantinopolis mint, Æ Follis, Sear 1853. Caesarea in Cappadocia, 240-241 AD., Tranquillina, Æ 25, SNG von Aulock 6532 var. 

Armenia, modern  Play album slideshow


2 Dateien, letzte Aktualisierung am %03. %945 %2019
Album 63 mal aufgerufen

Armenians of Cilicia  Play album slideshow


19 Dateien, letzte Aktualisierung am %01. %561 %2017, 18 verknüpfte Dateien, 37 Dateien insgesamt
Album 183 mal aufgerufen



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Zufallsbilder - Armenia
Armenians of Cilicia, 1289-1293 AD., Hetoum II., Sis mint, Æ Kardez.37 x angesehen
Armenians of Cilicia, 1296-1298 AD., Smpad, Sis mint, Kardez, HS 051.20 x angesehen