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Galerie > Medieval to Contemporary > Africa > Tanzania
Hong Kong, 1995 AD., Elizabeth II, Royal Mint, 50 Cents, KM 68.  Termessos Major in Pisidia, Pseudo-Autonomous Issue, Æ28, 260-261 AD. Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi, 1958 AD., Belgian administration, U.N. Trust territory, 1 Franc, KM 4. 1921 AD., Germany, Weimar Republic, Nieheim (Vorschußverein), Notgeld, collector series issue, 50 Pfennig, Grabowski/Mehl 972.1-1/3. Reverse  1921 AD., Germany, Weimar Republic, Hamburger Hallig (municipality), Notgeld, collector series issue, 1 Mark, Grabowski/Mehl 564.1a-2/2. 02303 Reverse 1921 AD., Germany, Weimar Republic, Tichau (municipality), Notgeld, collector series issue, 50 Pfennig, Grabowski/Mehl 1322.1a-2/4. 02228 Obverse  1920 AD., Germany, Weimar Republic, Breslau, Städtische Straßenbahn (tram), Notgeld, currency issue, 50 Pfennig, Tieste 0915.120.34.2. Obverse  1917 AD., Germany, 2nd Empire, Chorzow, Gemeinde, Notgeld, currency issue, 25 Pfennig, Tieste 1140.05.06.1. 1224 Reverse    221-210 BC., Carthage in Zeugitana (or Italy?), Æ Shekel, SNG Cop 307-9 314-6. c Kingdom of Axum, Ousanas, first reign (ca. 320-334), Hahn #13b MH #26  1921 AD., Germany, Weimar Republic, Belgard (city), Notgeld, collector series Stadtansichten issue, 50 Pfennig, Grabowski/Mehl 69.1a-2/5. 017743 Reverse  1750 AD., German States, Saxony, House of Wettin, death of Maurice de Saxe and his monument in the Thomas-church of Strasbourg, engraver: Müller, Tin Medal, cf. Merseburger coll. 4549. Yugoslavia, 1979 AD., Socialist Federal Republic, 1 Dinar, KM 59. European Union, European Central Bank, Pick 23p. 50 Euro, 2017 AD., Printer: Johan Enschedé Security Print, Haarlem, Netherlands, PB0581494372-P001C3 Reverse 330-331 AD., Constantius II Caesar, Rome mint, Follis, RIC 337. 

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Zufallsbilder - Tanzania
Tanzania, 1996 AD., 50 Shilingi, KM 33.5 x angesehen
Tanzania, 1988 AD., 5 Shilingi, KM 23.26 x angesehen